Monday, February 16, 2009


OOOPS, there is no group photo to post. Well, I guess Butch fell down on this one (he tried to blame Jill, but she wasn't havin' any)!! LOL. Maybe next time, ok?

RALLY QUEEN and Princess

Every queen has a court, don't they? We may even get to ride in the Rose Parade some day (not). In the picture at left is our one and only, Queen Judy with Princess Jill on her left. Pictured at right are Princesses Caitlin and Marcelle. More princesses to come (must get your photos at the next rally!).... Another great weekend at Redondo Vista Camp / SAL has come to a close. The memories will live on and on!!


We don't know why, but guessed it was the windy weather, but the electricity went out at about the time we were eating our dinner. Campers always have lanterns, so it wasn't a big inconvenience for us!


Working a puzzle that claimed to be Ages 5 and up. Right. Guess where the puzzle is now??


Make and Take was a lot of fun! There were several choices to feed the creative side and even Bill and Butch joined in the fun.